Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland
- Sweet Jesus my love, I draw near to you as if
you were here: I embrace you with love,
mindful of your wounds.
- O how I perceive you here naked, wounded
and stretched out, soiled and wrapped up in
this scared shroud.
- Hail head, blood-stained from the thorns,
whose dear face has changed its youthful
beauty, before whom the court of heaven
- Hail side of the Saviour, hail the gentle
wound, redder than the rose, health-giving
- Hail to you, O sacred hands, pierced by hard nails: O Saviour, do not turn me away from your sacred feet.
Blessed Sacrament
In honour of the Holy Shroud of Turin
Note: The above music is from the Cantus Selecti (Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1949, page 18) which is in public domain and may purchased at .