St. Cecilia's Abbey, UK
1. Behold the Bread of Angels, become the
food of
the pilgrims: truly the bread of the sons, which
cannot be thrown to
the dogs.
2. It is pre-signified in types, when
Isaac is
brought to be sacrificed, the Paschal lamb is
chosen, manna is given
to the fathers.
3. Good shepherd, true bread, Jesus, have
mercy on us:
feed us, protect us, make us see good things in the
land of the
4. You Who know and can do all things, You
who feed us
mortals here, make us there your table companions,
coheirs and
comrades of the holy citizens.
In Honour of the Blessed Sacrament
Last four verses of "Lauda Sion" (Corpus Christi Sequence).
Suggested use: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Benediction); Mass: Offertory, Communion
Note: Music from the Parish Book of Chant (CMAA, 2012, page 149) and used with permission from The Church Music Association of America. Book can be purchased at and is also available by download from