Purpose: The following booklets were prepared for individual parish/chapel use. Please feel free to download and modify for use within your parish. Refer to ICEL copyright polices (http://www.icelweb.org/copyright.htm) for any of the following publications with new English translations before use. Publication may be printed and used given that certain conditions are met (e.g., publication is not sold).
1. The Mass in Latin (Novus Ordo) with the Settings Mass I, VIII, IX, XVI, and XVII - Ordinary Form of the Mass
2. The Mass in Latin with the Setting Mass VIII (Missa de Angelis) - abridged version - Ordinary Form of the Mass
3. Music for the Mass and Benediction
4. Order of the Mass: Weekday - Missa VIII (De Angelis) - Extraordinary Form of the Mass
5. Order of the Mass: Weekday - Missa XVII (Advent and Lent) - Extraordinary Form of the Mass
6. Exposition and Benediction
7. Latin Mass Hymnal (older document) - Ordinary Form of the Mass
8. The Mass in Latin with the Settings Mass I, VIII, XI,and XVII
The Mass in Latin (Novus Ordo) with the settings Mass I, VIII, XVI, and XVII - abridged
Description: Hymnal for Mass in Latin including the Order of Mass (Novus Ordo), new English translations, Roman Canon, 1 Mass settings I, VIII, XVI, and XVII; 17 hymns; and Marian antiphons. 98 pages.
Designed for parishes that need a small booklet when reintroducting Latin and/or chant.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
"Download Linked File”
Download document: PDF format DOCX format
Note: Formatted for US letter paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 26 sheets to print. Can staple bind, but suggest other type of binding to extend use.
To learn music: refer to individual hymn pages on this website and/or download recordings. Also refer to recordings of Ordinaries from list below (Music for the Mass and Benediction).
The Mass in Latin with the Setting Mass Mass VIII - abridged
Description: Hymnal for Mass in Latin including the Order of Mass (Novus Ordo), new English translations, Roman Canon, 1 Mass setting (Missa de Angelis), and 27 hymns. 84 pages.
Designed for parishes that need a small booklet when reintroducting Latin and/or chant.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
"Download Linked File”
Download document: PDF format DOCX format
Note: Formatted for US letter paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 21 sheets to print. Can staple bind, but suggest other type of binding to extend use.
To learn music: refer to individual hymn pages on this website and/or download recordings. Also refer to recordings of Ordinaries from list below (Music for the Mass and Benediction).
Music for the Mass and Benediction
Description: Booklet for parishioners and choirs to learn music for the Latin Mass and Benediction. Includes music for Mass settings I, VIII, XI, and XVII; Credo III; Pater noster; minor responses for Novus Ordo Mass; and final antiphons to Our Lady. CD also included. 51 pages.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
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Download document: PDF format DOCX format
Note: Formatted for A4 paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 14 sheets to print double sided. Can staple bind including cardstock cover.
Booklet includes CD with recordings. Download mp3 files below. Recordings by Schola Sanctae Scholasticae.
Adoremus in aeternum Gloria (Mass VIII) O Salutaris
Agnus Dei (Mass I) Ite, missa est Pater noster
Agnus Dei (Mass VIII) Ite, missa est (Easter Vigil) Quia tuum (after Pater noster)
Agnus Dei (Mass XI) Ite, missa est (Mass I) Regina caeli
Agnus Dei (Mass XVII) Ite, missa est (Mass VIII) Salve Regína
Alma Redemptoris Mater Ite, missa est (Mass XI) Sanctus (Mass I)
Asperges me Kyrie (Mass I) Sanctus (Mass VIII)
Ave Regína caelorum Kyrie (Mass VIII) Sanctus (Mass XI)
Confíteor Deo Kyrie (Mass XI) Sanctus (Mass XVII)
Credo III Kyrie (Mass XVII) Tantum ergo
Dominus vobíscum (Gospel) Kyrie (Prayer of Faithful) Verbum Domini (after Gospel)
Dominus vobiscum (Preface) Miserere mei, Gospel Accl. Vidi aquam
Gloria (Ambrosian) Mortem tuam, Mem. Accl.
Order of the Mass: Weekday - Missa VIII (De Angelis)
Description: Hymnal for Mass in Latin including the Order of Mass (Extraordinary Form), new English translations, Missa de Angelis Mass setting, Marian antiphons, and 21 hymns. 72 pages.
Excellent booklet for reintroducing Extraordinary Form at weekday Mass.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
"Download Linked File"
Download document: PDF format DOCX format
Note: Formatted for US Letter paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 19 sheets to print double sided. Can staple bind including cardstock cover.
To learn music: refer to individual hymn pages on this website and/or download recordings. Also refer to recordings of Ordinaries from above list (Music for the Mass and Benediction).

Order of the Mass: Weekday - Missa XVII (Advent and Lent)
Description: Hymnal for Mass in Latin including the Order of Mass (Extraordinary Form), new English translations, Missa XVII setting, Marian antiphons, and 15 hymns. 58 pages.
Excellent booklet for reintroducing Extraordinary Form at weekday Mass.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
"Download Linked File"
Download document: PDF format DOCX format
Note: Formatted for US Letter paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 16 sheets to print double sided. Can staple bind including cardstock cover.
To learn music: refer to individual hymn pages on this website and/or download recordings. Also refer to recordings of Ordinaries from above list (Music for the Mass and Benediction).
Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Description: Booklet for Exposition and Benediction. 8 pages.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
"Download Linked File"
Download document: PDF format DOCX format
Note: Formatted for US letter paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 2 sheets to print double sided.
Music (mp3 files):

Latin Mass Hymnal (older document)
Description: Hymnal for Mass in Latin including the Order of Mass (Novus Ordo), Jubilate Deo Mass setting, non official translation (not new ICEL), and 25 hymns. Modified standard notation (not Gregorian notation). 133 pages. Note: prepared for parishes re-introducing chant where there a preference for standard notation. While useful document for some settings, we now recommend using “The Mass in Latin with the Setting Mass Mass VIII - abridged”, the first selection on this page.
To save files: Right-click download and choose
"Download Linked File"
Download document: PDF format
Note: Formatted for US Letter paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 34 pages to print double sided.
To learn music: refer to individual hymn pages on this website and/or download recordings. Also refer to recordings of Ordinaries from above list ("Music for the Mass and Benediction").
The Mass in Latin with the settings Mass I, VIII, XI, and XVII.
Description: Hymnal for Mass in Latin including the Order of Mass (Novus Ordo), new English translations, 4 Mass settings, 79 hymns. 269 pages.
Download not available. If interested, send email to Schola Sanctae Scholasticae to request a review copy. If you decide to use within your parish, you will need to request permission from The Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes for use of a few of the hymns in this publication.
Note: Formatted for A4 paper. To print on other paper size, open PDF, select print and change paper size or scale as needed.
Requires 68 pages to print double sided. Spiral binding needed.