Schola Sanctae Scholasticae and St. Cecilia's Abbey, UK
Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland
1. Of the glorious Body telling, O my tongue, its
mysteries sing,
and the Blood, all price excelling, which the
world's eternal King,
in a noble womb
once dwelling shed for the world's ransoming.
2. Given for us, descending, of a Virgin to
man with man in converse blending, scattered
he the Gospel seed,
till his sojourn drew to ending, which he closed i wondrous deed.
3. At the last great Supper lying circled by his
brethren's band,
meekly with the law complying, first he
finished its command then,
immortal food
supplying, gave himself with his own hand.
4. Word made Flesh, by word
he maketh very bread his Flesh to be;
man in wine Christ's
Blood partaketh: and if senses fail to see,
faith alone the true heart
waketh to behold the mystery.
Hymn before Benediction
5. Therefore we, before him
bending, this great Sacrament revere;
types and shadows have
their ending, for the newer rite is here;
faith, our outward sense
befriending, makes the inward vision clear.
6. Glory let us give, and
blessing to the Father and the Son;
honour, might and praise
addressing, while eternal ages run;
ever too his love
confessing, who, from both, with both is one.
Suggested use: Holy Thursday procession; Benediction
Note: Music from the Parish Book of Chant (CMAA, 2012, page 194) and used with permission from The Church Music Association of America. Book can be purchased at and is also available by download from